Ms. Bev Dachuk

Indigenous Support Worker
I am a daughter, mother, grandmother and sister; a traditional dancer/instructor & medicine wheel educator. I graduated college with a degree in Office Administration from the Fairview College only to find out afterward that working in an office was not for me. In 2014 I entered the field of education when I worked as the First Nation, Metis and Inuit Educational Assistant at Kennedy Elementary, moving on to Grimshaw Public School in 2107. Since I have worked as the Indigenous Support Worker at Grimshaw Public.
As a young adult I started down the path of learning Indigenous ways of knowing and doing by learning to traditional dance. It was through dancing that I met many Elders and Knowledge Keepers who taught me many things. Teachings that remain with me today. Teachings that I too pass on to students, staff and parents through various activities within Grimshaw Public, the classroom and the division. My passion is to increase reconciliation through Indigenous education by bringing Indigenous ways of knowing and doing to the forefront not only in the classroom but throughout Grimshaw Public School.